Our Projects

Because of our amazing sponsors and the communities generous giving, we have been able to help over 20 families this year for $22,986.91! Please look for our decal in local businesses (these businesses donated over $250)!

Proud Supporter of Easton's Angels 2022

The funds raised provided…

Easton Angels Bags:

These bags include gas gift cards, restaurant gift cards, quarters, snacks, toiletries, Jesus Calling, NICU Journals, and Preemie clothes.

Hotel stays:

For families at Vanderbilt Children’s Hospital

Medical expenses:

Memorial Expenses:

Funerals, headstones, bereavement gowns, and keepsakes

Mother’s Day at Jaspe:

A day of pampering for Mothers that take care of their children with special needs

Other Bills:

Paid electric bills and mortgages for families


Donated rocking chairs, Respironics frog-shaped bean bag positioning aids, Snuggle ups and covers, Refrigerator, and various sized Preshand inserts (bereavement boxes)

“Thank you so much for the bag. It will be so helpful. ❤ I literally started crying when I was going through it. We appreciate it so much. ” -NICU Mom


Respironics Positioning Aids

These frog-shaped bean bags support tiny babies in the NICU.

Meal for Family

Meal for a Family

A meal taken to a family during their loss.

NICU Rocker

NICU Rocker

Easton’s Angels purchased rocking chairs for the NICU.

Able Necklace

Able Necklaces

This is one of the necklaces that we have started getting mamas when they lose a child.

Snuggle Up

Snuggle Up

These inserts hold little ones gently to keep them comfortable.